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- EN00047 My father is rich in houses and lands, he holdeth the wealth of the world in his hands of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold his coffers are full, he has riches untold i’m a child of the king a child of the king
- EN00088 You have my heart and i am yours forever you are my strength god of grace and power and everything you hold in your hand still you make time for me i can’t understand praise you god of earth and sky how beautiful is your unfailing love unfailing love
- EN00042 All the way my saviour leads me, what have i to ask beside can i doubt his tender mercy, who through life has been my guide heav’nly peace, divinest comfort, here by faith in him to dwell for i know whate’er befall me, jesus doeth
- EN00045 The name of jesus, the shield of my life the blood of the lamb, the seal on my house terror in the night, the plagues unseen fear not will i, fear not will i fear of sickness, fear of the grave i rebuke
- EN00009 Bless the lord, o my soul o my soul worship his holy name sing like never before o my soul i’ll worship your holy name the sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning it’s time to sing your song again whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
- EN00053 I once was lost in darkest night, yet thought i knew the way the sin that promised joy and life had led me to the grave i had no hope that you would own a rebel to your will and if you had not loved me first,
- EN00020 On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, the emblem of suffering and shame and i love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain so i’ll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies at
- EN00066 I hear the savior say, thy strength indeed is small child of weakness, watch and pray, find in me thine all in all jesus paid it all, all to him i owe sin had left a crimson stain, he washed it white as snow
- EN00082 Oh sovereign god, oh matchless king the saints adore, the angels sing and fall before the throne of grace to you belongs the highest praise these sufferings, this passing tide under your wings i will abide and every enemy shall flee you are my hope and victory praise
- EN00069 God sent his son, they called him jesus he came to love, heal and forgive he lived and died, to buy my pardon an empty grave, is there to prove, my savior lives because he lives, i can face tomorrow because he lives, all fear is gone because i