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- EN00084 O come all ye faithful joyful and triumphant o come ye, o come ye to bethlehem come and behold him born the king of angels o come, let us adore him o come, let us adore him o come, let us adore him christ the lord sing choirs
- EN00057 I see the king of glory coming on the clouds with fire the whole earth shakes the whole earth shakes i see his love and mercy washing over all our sin he people sing the people sing hosanna, hosanna hosanna in the highest
- EN00016 Hide me now under your wings cover me within your mighty hand when the oceans rise and thunders roar i will soar with you above the storm father you are king over the flood i will be still, know you are god find rest my soul in christ
- EN00003 You were the word at the beginning one with god the lord most high your hidden glory in creation now revealed in you our christ what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name it
- EN00030 Oh, great is our god so we should worship greatly no song is too loud no orchestra too stately to hail the majesty of our king so lift your voices loud as we sing we will sing your praise, and pour forth your fame we will bless your
- EN00017 The season is upon us now a time for gifts and giving and as the year draws to its close i think about my living the christmas time when i was young, the magic and the wonder, but colors dull and candles dim, and dark my standing under
- EN00046 You hear me when i call you are my morning song though darkness fills the night it cannot hide the light whom shall i fear you crush the enemy underneath my feet you are my sword and shield though troubles linger still whom shall i fear i know
- EN00076 In prisoners chains with bleeding stripes paul and silas prayed that night and in their pain began to sing their chains were loosed and they were free i bless your name i bless your name i give you honor, give you praise you are the life, the truth, the
- EN00035 He’s coming on the clouds kings and kingdoms will bow down every chain will break as broken hearts declare his praise for who can stop the lord almighty our god is the lion, the lion of judah he’s roaring with power and fighting our battles every knee will
- EN00038 Are you hurting and broken within overwhelmed by the weight of your sin jesus is calling have you come to the end of yourself do you thirst for a drink from the well jesus is calling o come to the altar the father’s arms are open wide forgiveness was